Mex Cube
Timeless Living

Mex Cube

A flexible design sofa whose minimalist proportions were crafted to fit comfortably with any interior decor style, thanks to the variety of pieces and many possible arrangements. Mex Cube is the intuition that turned into a project. A graceful succession of variations on a theme, in which each shape is purposely designed to keep pace with the rhythms of daily life and conversation. The comfortably padded and upholstered individual cubes invite experimentation with different arrangements - from the stand-alone or corner sofa to the sofa with island or face-to-face seating - with different sizes and functions.

по запитване
Piero Lissoni
стомана, слоеста и масивна дървесина, пълнеж от полиестерни влакна, вложки от гъши пух
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