Lasta sideboard
Contemporary Living

Lasta sideboard

The beauty of wood is highlighted by the sculptural processing of the cabinet's surface; creating bas-reliefs, curving lines spring from the cube, not one but a series of them, repetitively underlining and highlighting one another, turning storage into a visual sensation. The wood structure provides the bas-relief with a unique aesthetic feature, upgrading and enhancing it. The surfaces of drawers and storage space create their own grid, the crevices that discreetly break the curved lines and ensure unhindered functionality. The closed body, the cube, is thus enhanced by texture and line combinations, protruding parts and engraved elements. The lavish and functional wood composition is elevated from the floor by way of a thin metal mesh, creating an impression of flying. With a balanced height and width ratio, the Lasta sideboard instils order in a space, disburden and enriches it. A particular aesthetic value is owed to the sculptural processing of the frontal part, sufficiently unassuming to adapt to the total, yet sufficiently distinctive in a subtle expression of character.

по запитване
Ado Avdagić
масивна дървесина, метал

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