First Dressed
Contemporary Living

First Dressed

Der Dressed First Chair was designed by Stefano Giovannoni for Magis in the year 2013 and is an advancement of the First Chair by the same designer. The slim lightweight Dressed First is made of fibreglass-reinforced polyurethane foam and was covered - or dressed as the name suggests - with fabric from top to bottom. This means that also the legs and the entire frame of the Dressed First Chair are coated, which makes this Magis chair very homely. A surprising fact is that this unique chair is also suited for outdoor use! This makes the Dressed First Chair a competent companion in many situations, may that be at the dining table, on the terrace, or in the office. Magis produces the Dressed First Chair in various colours, which you can find in the "available product types". Matching furniture from the same series can be found in the "collection".

по запитване
Stefano Giovannoni
полиуретанова пяна, текстил
51,5 x 52 x h78 cm

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