Aviva Chair
Contemporary Living

Aviva Chair

The Aviva Folding Chair was designed by Marc Berthier for the manufacturer Magis. Headquartered near Venice, this furniture company has worked with some of the finest designers of the last 40 years to create exciting products for home and work. A long-standing contributor to Magis, French designer Marc Berthier draws on the principles of industrial design for the creation of his domestic pieces. During a career heaped with accolades, he has won the Compasso d'Oro twice and the Forum Design Award three times, and he has been honoured with the title Chevalier of Arts and Literature by the French government. Originally designed in 1979 and updated in 2010, the Aviva Folding Chair is made from solid beech consisting of only three pieces, its linear design reduces the whole idea of a folding chair back to its basics. At the same time, subtly curved edges and scooped-out concave sections to the seat and backrest help to ensure the sitter's comfort. Deceptively simple in conception, the Aviva Folding Chair is a timeless piece of '70s design that still looks strikingly fresh and modern.

по запитване
Marc Berthier
масивна дървесина - бук, естествен или байцван
47 x 42/5 x h87 cm

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